Use self-service or SMS registration to register your going on a transboundary water body

As of 20.12.2021, the Police and Border Guard Board recommends that people use self-service or SMS registration to register their going on and return from a transboundary water body.

To register via self-service, visit, where you will first need to create a user account. Then after logging in, you can conveniently notify of your going on and return from a transboundary water body.

To register by SMS, you must first create a user account on the website and then send a short text message to +372 57 00000 1 every time. When you go on a transboundary water body, send a text containing “Algus” or “A” to this number, and similarly, when you return from the transboundary water body, send a text containing “Lopp” or “L”. The text must be written in the Latin alphabet.

In the future, callers to the border guard station will be informed by an answering machine of the possibility to register going on a transboundary water body via self-service or by SMS. However, if a person is unable to use the self-service, a border guard will register his/her going on or return from a transboundary water body, as it has been done up to now.

Self-service is, however, a quicker and more convenient solution for those going on a transboundary water body than waiting on hold in a queue and registering their entry or exit by phone. The longer the call queue for registration, the longer the people in need of border guards have to wait, and in that case, every minute of delay can be a matter of life and death for someone.

Going on a transboundary water body is regulated by the State Borders Act, which sets out that going by a water craft or other means of transport on the River Narva, Narva reservoir, Lake Lämmi and Lake Pihkva, Lake Vaniku, Lake Pattina, Lake Kriiva and Lake Pabra or on the ice thereof and return therefrom shall be registered. Going by a water craft or other means of transport on Lake Peipsi or on the ice thereof farther than one kilometer from the shore and return therefrom shall be registered.