Contact details for journalist outside of office hours

So that journalists can get information from the PBGB efficiently around the clock In the case of incidents that are of interest to the broader public or extraordinary in nature, we have set up a system where the lines are always staffed.

General number for inquiries to the PBGB Communication Office: 60 15 115; email: ...

The line is staffed on weekdays from 17:00 to 8:30 the next morning as well as on weekends and is meant for queries related to extraordinary incidents taking place outside of business hours.

The spokesperson on duty is not in the office outside of hours but if a more serious incident has taken place, responds to calls on evenings, weekends and public holidays by telephone and email based on their availability and speed possible at that moment.

Extraordinary incidents are considered to be any of the following:

  • Serious crime-related incidents against persons or involving loss of life
  • Accidents that pose a serious threat to people’s lives and health
  • Traffic accidents with serious injuries or fatalities
  • Rescue operations led by the PBGB
  • Significant impediments or restrictions to traffic/movement
  • Other events that pose a direct risk to people’s life, health or public order, or which restrict significantly traffic or movement

When making a query, please consider that preliminary information can be very general in nature and once criminal proceedings have been opened, information can be released only after approval from the prosecutor.

The on-duty spokesperson will not respond in the evening or on weekend in regard to queries related to:

  • so voluminous that they would require several officials to be on duty outside of business hours and are not related to an incident involving a serious risk
  • minor incidents occurring outside of business hours that do not pose a serious danger