Publishing of administrative acts and procedural documents


If the location of a person is unknown to an administrative body and the administrative body has not succeeded within reasonable time or by reasonable efforts to establish the location of such person, then it is permitted to publish the personal data of the addressee of an administrative act and the resolution of an alleviating as well as an encumbering administrative act or a procedural document, including the contents of summons, on the webpage of such administrative body.

By way of publishing the resolution of an administrative act or the contents of a procedural document on the webpage of such administrative body the administrative act is considered to be delivered to the person and enforced, and the procedural document is considered to be delivered.

  • VOLODYMYR POLIANSKYI (date of birth 24.12.1959) citizen of Ukraine. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.1/238-1, dated 24.01.2025, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: Decision not to process an application for a temporary residence permit to VOLODYMYR POLIANSKYI. Publishing date 12.02.2025.
  • ALIAKSANDR SIHINEVICH (date of birth 12.09.1985) citizen of Belarusian Democratic Republic. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.2/39-2, dated 29.01.2025, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to extend of temporary residence permit to ALIAKSANDR SIHINEVICH on the bases of section 123 point 2 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 12.02.2025
  • VIACHASLAU VOITSIK (date of birth 11.07.1982) citizen of Belarusian Democratic Republic. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.2/44-2, dated 31.01.2025, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to extend of temporary residence permit to VIACHASLAU VOITSIK on the bases of section 123 point 2 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 12.02.2025
  • Andrii Zubariev (born 13.07.1984), Citizen of Ukraine. PPA decision No. 15.3-3.4/224-1 of 27.01.2025 on revoking the temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit to Andrii Zubariev invalid on the basis of § 135 subsection 2 point 1, 2 and 4 § 123 point 1 of the Aliens Act from 21.02.2025. Publication date 11.02.2025.
  • Princewill ANI (born 02.03.1992) Nigerian national. Letter No 15.3-3.4/204-1 from the Police and Border Guard Board of 5 February 2025 initiating proceedings for the revocation of a temporary residence permit. Resolution: to initiate proceedings for the revocation of Princewill ANI's temporary residence permit on the basis of § 135 (1) 1), 2), 4) of the Aliens Act and § 135 (2) 1.2.4) of the Aliens Act and to give him or her time to express his or her opinions and objections until 13 February 2025. Date of publication 10.02.2025.
  • Yury Shavel (date of birth 01.03.1974) citizen Republic of Belarus. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-10/17-2, dated 29.01.2025, on refusal to issue a temporary residence permit. Resolution: to refuse to issue a temporary residence permit to Yury Shavel. Publishing date 10.02.2025.
  • Matvei Kotov (date of birth 26.10.2021) citizen of Russian Federation . Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.4/78-2, dated 16.01.2025, to revoke a temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit Matvei Kotov on the bases of clause 135 (2-4) of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 07.02.2025.
  • Artem Kotov (date of birth 04.12.2019) citizen of Russian Federation . Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-10/650-2, dated 16.01.2025, to revoke a temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit Artem Kotov on the bases of clause 135 (2-4) of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 07.02.2025.
  • Valentina Zagoskina (date of birth 18.12.1954) citizen of Russian Federation. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.4/140-2, dated 24.01.2025, to revoke a long-term resident's residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a long-term resident's residence permit Valentina Zagoskina on the bases of clause 241 (2-2) of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 07.02.2025.
  • VLADIMIR KOKAREV (date of birth 11.07.1978) citizen of Russian Federation. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.1/196-1, dated 21.01.2025, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to issue a temporary residence permit to VLADIMIR KOKAREVon the bases of clause 123 section 2 and 3 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 06.02.2025.
  • ELENA OSHARINA (date of birth 28.01.1956) citizen of United States of America. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.1/249-1, dated 24.01.2025, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to issue a temporary residence permit to ELENA OSHARINA on the bases of clause 123 section 2 and 3 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 06.02.2025.
  • Dzmitry Skubilau (born 14 Septembre 1984) is a citizen of the Belarus. Decision of PBGB No. 15.3-3.2/9-1 of 08 January 2025 on the refusal to issue a temporary residence permit. Resolution: to refuse to issue a temporary residence permit to Islombek Khojimamatov on the basis of clauses § 123 (3) of the Aliens Act. Date of publication 06 February 2025.
  • Yulian Kosheliev (born 17 July 1973) is a citizen of the Ukraine. Decision of PBGB No. 15.3-3.2/16-1 of 13 January 2025 on the refusal to issue a temporary residence permit. Resolution: to refuse to issue a temporary residence permit to Volodymyr Yarovyi on the basis of clauses § 123 (2) and § 123 (3) of the Aliens Act. Date of publication 06 February 2025.
  • Abduzokirkhuja Ozodkhujayev (born 03.10.1997), citizen of Uzbekistan. Challenge decision of PBGB No. 15.3-3.6/2 of 23.01.2025. Resolution: to dismiss Abduzokirkhuja Ozodkhujayev’s challenge on the basis of § 85 (4) of the Administrative Procedure Act. Date of publication 05.02.2025.
  • Jason Ikechukwu NJOKU (22.01.2016) citizen of the UKR. Letter No 15.3-3.4/67-1 of the initiation of revocation of the long-term resident’s residence permit of the Police and Border Guard Board of 29.01.2025. The resolution: initiate proceedings for the revocation Jason Ikechukwu NJOKU long-term resident’s residence permit on the basis of Section 241(2)(2) of the Aliens Act and give time to submit her opinions and objections until 09.02.2024. Date of publication 05.02.2025.
  • Etem Saraç (born 14.02.1993) citizen of Republic of Türkiye. PPA decision No. 15.3-3.4/112-1 of 22.01.2025 on revoking the temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit to Etem Saraç invalid on the basis of § 135 subsection 2 point 1, 2, 4 of the Aliens Act from 10.02.2025. Date of publication 04.02.2025.
  • Nikolay Yakimets (born 03.07.1965) citizen of the Russian Federation. PPA decision No. 15.3-3.4/123-1 of 23.01.2025 on revoking the temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit to Nikolay Yakimets invalid on the basis of § 146 subsection 1 point 2 of the Aliens Act from 05.02.2025. Date of publication 04.02.2025.
  • Anton MARTYNOV (sünd 17.07.1986) citizen of the Russian Federation. Letter No 15.3-3.4/121-1 of the initiation of revocation of the long-term resident’s residence permit of the Police and Border Guard Board of 24.01.2024. The resolution: initiate proceedings for the revocation of Anton MARTYNOV long-term resident’s residence permit on the basis of Section 241(2)(2) and (4) of the Aliens Act and give time to submit her opinions and objections until 09.02.2024. Date of publication 04.02.2025.
  • Svetlana SAKHAROVA (sünd 13.10.1968)) citizen of the USA. Letter No 15.3-3.4/1520-1 of the initiation of revocation of the long-term resident’s residence permit of the Police and Border Guard Board of 06.12.2024. The resolution: initiate proceedings for the revocation of Svetlana SAKHAROVA long-term resident’s residence permit on the basis of Section 241(2)(2) and (4) of the Aliens Act and give time to submit her opinions and objections until 09.02.2024. Date of publication 04.02.2025.
  • Atanu Mazumdar, dob 10.11.1990), citizen of the Republic of India. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 14.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1424-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Atanu Mazumdar with effect from 14.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Piyali Chatterjee, dob 14.05.1991, itizen of the Republic of India. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 14.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1424-3. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Piyali Chatterjee with effect from 14.01.2025 on the basis of § 146 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Sima Sadat Faghihi Hosseinabadi, dob 11.06.1990, citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 14.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1423-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Sima Sadat Faghihi Hosseinabadi with effect from 14.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Amirhossein Bozorgkian, dob 16.09.1986, citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 14.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1423-3. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Amirhossein Bozorgkian with effect from 14.01.2025 on the basis of § 146 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Sakhib Mamurov, born 17.11.1964, citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Police and Border Guard Board 15.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100299694 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Rogelio Jr Rosales, born 14.06.1987, citizen of Republic of the Philippines. Police and Border Guard Board 15.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100379992 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Junriel Juntong, born 01.03.1986, citizen of Republic of the Philippines. Police and Border Guard Board 15.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100379993 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Angelo Cabigas, born 27.01.1980, citizen of Republic of the Philippines. Police and Border Guard Board 15.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100388010 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Viktor Savenko, dob 10.01.1985, citizen of the Republic of Ukraine. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 15.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1425-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Viktor Savenko with effect from 15.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Alakbar Aghayev, born 04.02.1994, citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Police and Border Guard Board 16.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100387063 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Elnur Ibrahimov, born 01.04.1991, citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100387263 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Judil Sablan, born 29.08.1986, citizen of Republic of the Philippines. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100388009 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Kieth De Guia, born 29.09.1984, citizen of Republic of the Philippines. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100388053 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Marifjon Uktamov, born 13.09.1985, citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100389324 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Pablito Canoy, born 01.09.1991, citizen of Republic of the Philippines. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100379994 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Revazi Razmadze, born 03.03.2006, citizen of the Republic of Georgia. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100382771 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Vasili Tucan, born 13.12.1993, citizen of the Republic of Moldova. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100377841 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Teodie Restauro, born 15.09.1984, citizen of Republic of the Philippines. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100388043 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Erwin Sumargo, born 05.05.1977, citizen of Republic of the Philippines. Police and Border Guard Board 17.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100388008 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Aleksandr Shamarin, dob 09.08.1968, citizen of the Russian Federation. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 20.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1449-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Aleksandr Shamarin with effect from 20.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Mihail Zavadschii, dob 12.06.1984, citizen of the Republic of Moldova. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 20.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1463-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Mihail Zavadschii with effect from 20.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Murat Özyildiz, born 01.01.1980, citizen of the Republic of Turkey. Police and Border Guard Board 20.01.2025 revoked visa nr EST100389567 on the basis of clause subsection 77 (2), subsection 78 (2) 9), subsection 78 (2) 11) of the Aliens’ Act. Release date 31.01.2025.
  • Caner Güven, dob 11.07.1989, citizen of the Republic of Turkey. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 21.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1469-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Caner Güven with effect from 21.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Zeynep Güven, dob 05.04.1992, citizen of the Republic of Turkey. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 21.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1469-3. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Zeynep Güven with effect from 21.01.2025 on the basis of § 146 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Dogu Güven, dob 13.11.2021, citizen of the Republic of Turkey. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 21.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1469-4. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Dogu Güven with effect from 21.01.2025 on the basis of § 158 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Kevin Kangdinata, dob 15.04.1994, citizen of the Republic of Indonesia. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 21.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1531-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Kevin Kangdinata with effect from 21.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Valerii Lysikov, dob 24.12.1964, citizen of the Russian Federation. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 21.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1468-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Valerii Lysikov with effect from 21.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Marina Lysikova, dob 17.05.1964, citizen of the Russian Federation. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 21.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1468-3. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Marina Lysikova with effect from 21.01.2025 on the basis of § 146 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Victor Rafael Alves Garcia, dob 12.10.1993, citizen of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 21.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1485-2. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Victor Rafael Alves Garcia with effect from 21.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 1), 2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Caio Rafael Monteiro Garcia, dob 03.06.2024, citizen of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 21.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/1485-3. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Caio Rafael Monteiro Garcia with effect from 21.01.2025 on the basis of § 158 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 31.01.2025.
  • Dmitri Tihhomirov (date of birth 03.12.1986) citizen of Russian Federation. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.4/111-2, dated 21.01.2025, to revoke a long-term resident's residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a long-term resident's residence permit Dmitri Tihhomirov on the bases of clause 241 (2-2) of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 31.01.2025.
  • Gulbahar Najafova (date of birth 27.05.1959) citizen of Aserbaidžaan. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.4/102-3, dated 20.01.2025, to revoke a long-term resident's residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a long-term resident's residence permit Gulbahar Najafova on the bases of clause 241 (2-2) of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 31.01.2025.
  • Vasif Nadzhafov (date of birth 03.04.1986) citizen of Russian Federation. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.4/105-2, dated 21.01.2025, to revoke a long-term resident's residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a long-term resident's residence permit Vasif Nadzhafov on the bases of clause 241 (2-2) of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 31.01.2025.
  • MYKHAYLO GRANKIN (date of birth 17.12.1979) citizen of Ukraina. Decision of the Police and Border Guard Board (PBGB ) No. 15.3-3.2/800-1, dated 23.12.2024, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to issue a temporary residence permit to Mykhaylo Grankin on the bases of clause 123 section 2 and 3 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 28.01.2025.
  • ALEXEY PERTSEV (date of birth 28.06.1960) citizen of Russian Federation. Decision of the Police and Border Guard Board (PBGB ) No. 15.3-3.2/12-1, dated 10.01.2025, on refusal of extention of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to extend a temporary residence permit to Alexey Pertsev on the bases of clause 123 section 3 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 28.01.2025.
  • VASYL USTYMENKO (date of birth 02.02.1991) citizen of Ukraina. Decision of the Police and Border Guard Board (PBGB ) No. 15.3-3.2/15-1, dated 13.01.2025, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to issue a temporary residence permit to Vasyl Ustymenko on the bases of clause 123 section 2 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 28.01.2025.
  • DZMITRY BARANAU (date of birth 17.07.1975) citizen of Ukraine. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.2/19-2, dated 24.01.2025, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to extend of temporary residence permit to DZMITRY BARANAU on the bases of section 123 point 2 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 28.01.2025.
  • OLGA NISENBOYM (date of birth 16.11.1972) citizen of United States of America. Decision of the PBGB No. 15.3-3.1/150-1, dated 16.01.2025, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: Decision not to process an application for a temporary residence permit to OLGA NISENBOYM. Publishing date 28.01.2025.
  • Iryna Tinkova (born 23.06.1985) citizen of Ukraine. PPA decision No. 15.3-3.4/45-1 of 09.01.2025 on revoking the temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit to Iryna Tinkova invalid on the basis of § 135 subsection 2 point 1, 2 and 4 of the Aliens Act from 05.02.2025. Date of publication 27.01.2025.
  • Bohdan Maslov (born 25.01.2012) citizen of Ukraine. PPA decision No. 15.3-3.4/49-1 of 10.01.2025 on revoking the temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit to Bohdan Maslov invalid on the basis of § 158 subsection 2 of the Aliens Act from 05.02.2025. Date of publication 27.01.2025.
  • Stanislav Tinkov (born 26.02.1991) citizen of Ukraine. PPA decision No. 15.3-3.4/51-1 of 10.01.2025 on revoking the temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit to Stanislav Tinkov invalid on the basis of § 146 subsection 2 of the Aliens Act from 05.02.2025. Date of publication 27.01.2025.
  • Loyjan Awino Ondiek (born 24.08.1997) citizen of the Republic of Kenya. PPA decision No. 15.3-3.4/58-1 of 13.01.2025 on revoking the temporary residence permit. Resolution: to revoke a temporary residence permit to Loyjan Awino Ondiek invalid on the basis of § 146 subsection 1 point 2 of the Aliens Act from 03.02.2025. Date of publication 27.01.2025.
  • Arsenii Kuzmin (dob: 07.04.2019) the Citizen of the Russian Federation. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 10.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/56-1. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Arsenii Kuzminwith effect from 15.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 2), § 123 1), § 158 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 16.01.2025
  • Maksim Kuzmin (dob: 18.07.2014) the Citizen of the Russian Federation. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 10.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/55-1. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Maksim Kuzmin with effect from 15.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 2), § 123 1), § 158 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 16.01.2025
  • Anna Kuzmina (dob: 19.02.1992) the Citizen of the Russian Federation. The decision of the Police and Border Guard Board of 10.01.2025 on revocation of temporary residence permit No 15.3-3.4/54-1. Resolution: to revoke the temporary residence permit of Anna Kuzmina with effect from 15.01.2025 on the basis of § 135 (2) 2), § 123 1), § 146 (2) of the Aliens Act. Date of issue 16.01.2025
  • Rodion Khimich (born 23.06.1990) Ukrainian national. Decision of the PPA of 23.12.2024 No 15.3-3.2/798-1 on dismiss the application of the temporary residence permit. Resolution: The application for a temporary residence permit is dismissed pursuant to § 31(2) of the Aliens Act. Date of publication 08.01.2025.
  • Chanceline Youdom (born 08.08.1994) citizen of Cameroon. Letter No 15.3-3.4/42-1 of the initiation of revocation of the temporary residence permit of the Police and Border Guard Board of 08.01.2025. Resolution: to initiate proceedings for the revocation of Chanceline Youdom temporary residence permit on the basis of Section 135 (2) 2) and Section 146 (1) 1),5), 6) of the Aliens Act and to give her time to express her opinions and objections until 15.01.2025. Date of publication 08.01.2024.
  • Giorgi Khurtsidze (born 30.04.1989) citizen of Georgia. Letter No 15.3-3.4/1501-1the initiation of revocation of the temporary residence permit of the Police and Border Guard Board of 29.11.2024. Resolution: to initiate proceedings for the revocation of Giorgi Khurtsidze temporary residence permit on the basis of Section 135 (2) 2) of the Aliens Act and to give him time to express her opinions and objections until 17.01.2025. Date of publication 08.01.2025.
  • Ebenezer Sosu (date of birth 22.12.1994) citizen of Ghana. Decision of the PBGB No 15.3-3.2/759-1, dated 05.12.2024, on refusal of temporary residence permit. Resolution: To refuse to issue a temporary residence permit to Ebenezer Sosu on the bases of clause 123 3 of the Aliens Act. Publishing date 03.01.2025.