Flight booking information

Why are passenger name records collected?

Air traffic has increased considerably in the last couple of decades; flying has become one of the most widespread modes of travel. Air carriers are collecting various passenger data in order to ensure the security of air travel, such as travel dates and itinerary, ticket information, contact details, means of payment used and baggage information. These data are stored in a booking system, known under the abbreviation PNR (Passenger Name Records).

Starting from 2018 air carriers are going to forward the gathered booking information to the Police and Border Guard Board.

Foto lennukist.

Interception of Criminals and Prevention of Crime

The number of international air passengers is growing every year. According to the data of the European Commission, the air passenger numbers have tripled in the period 1980-2000. By the year, 2020 it is expected that the number of passengers will double compared to the current figures.

However, the popularity of air travel is taken advantage of by internationally operating criminals - drug and human traffickers, smugglers and the like. International criminals have developed certain patterns of behavior and movement in planning their trips and travelling, which can be used to work out criminal networks. As gathering booking information helps to intercept criminals and reveal criminal networks, it is an important law enforcement tool allowing to prevent, detect and investigate terrorism and other forms of serious crime, such as drugs and human trafficking, child sexual exploitation and others.