Legal grounds
The State Borders Act governs the Estonian temporary border line and the state border and its definition. The Estonian state border (hereinafter state border) is an uninterrupted and closed imaginary line and the vertical area along the line which delimits the territory and the territorial sea of Estonia, the parts of transboundary water bodies which belong to Estonia, the earth's crust and airspace.
A border strip is an area which is up to 10 metres wide and runs parallel with the state border in the direction of inland from the border line. Two types of border strips are distinguished: geometric (straight line between two points) and orographic (natural) border line. On a natural border line, a border strip is a strip of land which runs up to the start of and parallel with a straight line connecting bends, in the direction of inland, of a border river or stream or road of the territory and which is up to 10 metres wide in the inland direction.
Any activity which is not related to the maintenance and monitoring of border markers and of a border strip and border control or crossing of the internal border is prohibited on a border strip It is also allowed for performers of construction or maintenance work commissioned by the PBGB to be present on the border strip.
A temporary control line is an uninterrupted imaginary line and the vertical area along the line which separates the territory of Estonia under the jurisdiction of Estonia from the part of Estonia not under the jurisdiction of Estonia. The coordinates of the temporary control line are determined by regulation of the Government of the Republic. For the purposes of the State Borders Act, the control line is equivalent to the state border.
To guard the state border, the police may travel unhindered on foot and in vehicles on temporary and private roads adjoining or leading to the state border and transboundary bodies of water as well as on shore paths without the consent of the owner or possessor. Performers of construction and maintenance works ordered by PBGB have the obligation to coordinate use of temporary and private roads with their owner or possessor.
Circumstances related to ensuring the border regime
The police have the right to restrict movement and stay of persons in areas close to the border.
All persons must coordinate with the PBGB in writing all blasting work, exercises, competitions, hunts and other events taking place less than 5 kilometres from the border if they may interfere with guarding of the state border or disturb the border peace. The use of toxic and radioactive substances on transboundary bodies of water is prohibited. The border peace is disturbed by any activity whose impact can extend across the state border or hinder guarding of the state border. All works planned for the border strip and the vicinity must be coordinated in advance and the location of the works determined as precisely as possible (e.g. immovable number, border post number).
A person performing work in the vicinity of the state border (including the temporary control line) or the border strip must, upon the demand of a police (border guard) official, present an identity document and enable inspection of their own belongings and vehicle. If necessary, the police officer may take the person to a station facility.
The border regime area and proximity of the state border is marked accordingly. Pursuant to Minister of the Interior regulation no. 28 of 6 May 2015, “Shape, constructions, elements and dimensions of border markers facilitating the guarding of the state border, border control and border regime and the procedure for the installation thereof.”
The following warning signs have been installed in the proximity of the border strip:
Warning signs installed on the Estonian state border Seis Eesti riigipiir (Stop. Estonian state border) and Tähelepanu piirirežiimi ala, kehtivad piirangud (Attention: border regime area, restrictions in force)
Important links
Registering travel across ice
Reminder for those flying UAVs, including drones
State Borders Act
Approval of border regime rules
Shape, constructions, elements and dimensions of border markers facilitating the guarding of the state border, border control and border regime and the procedure for the installation thereof