International cooperation

Projects funded from structural support

Phase IV of the follow-up project on weapons register: background check module

With the support of the European Regional Development Fund (85%) and national co-funding (15%), phase IV of the development for the register of service and civilian weapons (projekt SF_Relvaregistri jätkuprojekt-IV etapi taustakontrolli moodul) is an important step in the modernisation of the register and the digitisation of its work processes. This project will improve the ability of licence officers to process applications for weapons permits more effectively and to carry out monitoring procedures on weapons owners in order to maintain a sense of security among residents and visitors in the country.

Project duration: 17.01.2022 – 31.12.2023

The amount of funds allocated: € 425,340

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Phase I of development for the PBGB Proceedings Information System (MIS X concept, former POLIS)

With the support of the European Regional Development Fund (85%) and national co-financing (15%), developments will be carried out to enable the PBGB to adopt the Prosecutor's Information System (PRIS) for conducting criminal proceedings. This will ensure a more consistent quality and speed of criminal proceedings, as well as enable the Prosecutor's Office to perform more effectively the function conferred on it by law to lead criminal proceedings. The use of a common system for conducting criminal proceedings will pave the way for the transition to fully digital criminal proceedings. The use of a common information system for conducting criminal proceedings instead of several information systems will save maintenance and development costs in the future.

Project duration: 19.11.2021 – 31.01.2023

The amount of funds allocated: €172,440

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Phase III of development for weapons register: data migration

With the support of the European Regional Development Fund (85%) and national co-financing (15%), phase III of development for the new register of service and civilian weapons is an important step in the modernisation and digitisation of the register. This phase will result in the migration of data from the old register of service and civilian weapons to a new environment and the register created in 2002 will be closed. The data will also be sent to the data warehouse, where their processing will improve and clarify the management of the service.

Project duration: 19.11.2021 – 07.04.2023

The amount of funds allocated: €314,088

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Development of a new weapons register

The project will migrate the outdated and resource-intensive register of service and civilian weapons to a technologically modern platform, which will improve system reliability, security, data quality and data availability.

Project duration: 10.10.2019 – 09.10.2021

The amount of funds allocated (by the European Regional Development Fund): planned €494, 692.80 (actual expenditure €485,971.20)

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Development of a new Visa Register (Visa Register 2.0, Phase I)

The project will develop a modern and upgraded visa procedure functionality, which will improve the reliability, security, data quality and user-friendliness of the system.

Project duration: 30.01.2020 – 31.10.2022

The amount of funds allocated (by the European Regional Development Fund): €478,000.00

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