The story and values

Almost 5,000 people work for the Police and Border Guard Board every day to ensure that Estonia is a safe place to live, work and visit. Besides the Police and Border Guard Board team, about 1,500 volunteers help us, giving their free time and energy as assistant policemen and volunteers helping with rescue at sea.

The functions, rights and responsibilities of Police and Border Guard Board are imposed by the Police and Border Guard Act and the institution’s statute. Seen in the broadest view, our organization’s main functions are related to preserving law and order, investigating and preventing crimes and misdemeanours, guarding the border, rescue at sea, determining the grounds and status for people staying in Estonia, and issuing identity documents.

Behind these main category headings are hundreds of different positions, such as beat police officer, investigator, interpreter, rescue swimmer, armoury manager, pilot and web constable.

Fotokollaaž PPA tegevustest: kallikaru, politseinik paneb laulupeolisele märgi rinda, PPA laev Kindral Kurvits kai ääres, abipolitseinik ja laulupeoline, politsei- ja piirivalve orkester laulupeo rongkäigus, piiripost ja piirivalvur

Every day and night – an average of 400 times during a 24-hour period – patrols come to the aid of people.

Each year, we investigate 26,000 crimes and conduct proceedings on 130,000 other offences.

We issue half a million identity documents in each year.

At any given moment, we are guarding 338 kilometres of eastern border, which is also the external border of the European Union.

No matter what the line of work, our team has one goal in common – we are there to help. We work to ensure that all people feel safe and secure in Estonia, can study, pursue self-betterment, make Estonia a secure environment for developing economy and culture, and that the blue black and white flag continues to fly atop Pikk Hermann Tower, displayed on police uniforms and in all of our hearts.

Our values


Through cooperation, we create security


We are open, oriented to development and people, an expert partner in creating security with high ethical values.


Police and Border Guard Board officials abide by the following values in their work:

Openness. We are smart and creative and have the courage to think differently, find solutions to problems and be constantly developing. We also have the courage to admit errors and take responsibility for our actions.

Humanity. We care about ourselves and others and value co-workers and people we come into contact with.

Wisdom. We are working to ensure a better future and security already today. We can see our role and responsibility and find new and clever solutions.