Residence permit card for an adult

Applying through the self-service portal

Button to enter the document application environment

You can use the self-service portal for applying for a residence permit card if your residence permit is still valid for at least 6 months.

Providing fingerprints

From the age of six, fingerprints need to be provided in order to apply for a residence permit card.

Fingerprints need not be given again if less than six years have elapsed since they were last provided.

Photograph, fingerprints and specimen signature taken at a service office

When applying for a document through the self-service portal, you can use the following taken in a photo booth of a service office up to 183 days before:

  • document photograph
  • fingerprints
  • specimen signature

You must enter your personal identification code to use a photo booth.

You can use the self-service portal for applying for:

  • residence permit card renewal for an adult
  • a residence permit card for a minor child

If your name has changed, the new name must be entered in the population register in order to use the self-service portal.

Applying for a passport using our self-service portal requires:

State fees from the 1st of January 2025

Residence permit card

The state fee for a residence permit card, when applied for through the self-service portal, is €60.

The state fee for a residence permit card, when applied for through the self-service portal, is €25 for people who have attained the Estonian general pensionable age.

People with a moderate, severe or profound disability are eligible for a discount rate and are charged a state fee of €25 for a residence permit card, when applied for through the self-service portal.

The state fee for applying for a residence permit card on an expedited basis is €250.

Ordering a document to a foreign representation will cost €20 in addition to the state fee.

Alien’s passport and residence permit card

The state fee for an alien’s passport and residence permit card, when applied for through the self-service portal, is €80.

The state fee for an alien’s passport and residence permit card, when applied for through the self-service portal, is €35 for people who have attained the Estonian general pensionable age.

People with a moderate, severe or profound disability are eligible for a discount rate and are charged a state fee of €35 for an alien’s passport and residence permit card, when applied for through the self-service portal.