E-Resident's digital ID

Applying through e-service

The application process will take approximately 30 minutes if and among other things you will need:

  • a copy of valid foreign travel document (a copy of a travel document of the country of nationality or of both sides of the European Union identity card)
  • a digital colour photo with a minimum size of 1,300 × 1,600 pixels and from 1–5 MB, and which may not be older than six months. See the requirements and recommendations for document photos and take a look at the video explaining the requirements.
  • a link to your online CV or your CV as a file (if you do not have those, you can also fill in your CV in the application environment)
  • a VISA or MasterCard credit or debit card (if you are using a debit card, please make sure that online payments are enabled)

Please find additional information about the application process in the e-service or in the FAQ.

State fee

When applying for an e-resident’s digital ID, you need to pay the state fee, the exact amount of which depends on the pick-up location.
More information about state-fee.